W najbliższym czasie ECHA planuje:
- Warsztaty dotyczące centrów kontroli zatruć – 1 lutego 2018 r. w Brukseli
- Webinar dotyczący przygotowania dossier w IUCLID Cloud – 7 lutego 2018 r.
- Warsztaty dotyczące EUSES – 10-11 kwietnia 2018 r. w Helsinkach
Poniżej załączamy dodatkowe informacje dotyczące wydarzeń oraz linki rejestracyjne:
Poison centres workshop: preparing for the new obligations
1 February 2018, Brussels
The European Commission and ECHA are organising a workshop for Member States and industry about the harmonisation of the information to be notified to Member State appointed bodies for poison centres. The new obligations will apply from 1 January 2020.
This workshop helps you to understand your legal obligations, how to fulfil them and how to prepare for the harmonisation of the information that importers and downstream users placing hazardous mixtures on the market need to submit to the relevant authorities.
Registration closes on 10 January.
Guided dossier preparation in IUCLID Cloud
7 February 2018, 12:00-13:00 EET, GMT +2
The webinar covers a feature for SMEs, launched in December 2017, that provides an alternative method for preparing IUCLID dossiers using IUCLID Cloud. This feature, named ‘Guided dossier preparation for REACH 2018’, presents an SME with a series of well-defined tasks to complete based on the type of dossier they intend to submit to ECHA. The guided approach includes task-specific help and links to relevant guidance documents and texts.
Register now – workshop on EUSES update needs
10-11 April 2018, Helsinki
ECHA will organise a workshop on the European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances (EUSES) update needs. The workshop will provide a platform for regulators, industry, academia and other stakeholders of the REACH and the Biocidal Products Regulation to address the needs for an update of EUSES and on the means to do so.
Express your interest by completing the form below by 11 January 2018.
Express your interest | Event page