dr inż. n. chem. Anna Oborska
General Director, Vice President
Dear Sirs,
The Polish Association of Cosmetic and Detergent Industry has been operating since 1992. We have a long history through which we have gained considerable experience. Consequently we are experts in this field.
We work on your behalf every day and can obtain results which a single company would be unable to achieve by itself. We meet regularly with Polish authorities, the European Commission and MEPs as well as consumer and media organisations to discuss issues.
We are an active member of several European associations including Cosmetics Europe, A.I.S.E and FEA. Therefore, you will always have access to the latest industry information.
Our plans for the future are ambitious. We wish to continually improve our services so that we can provide effective support to the ever increasing member companies of the Association. We are delighted to have representatives of both domestic businesses and large international companies and can adapt our services to suit any company size. Our aim is to improve our activity on a continuous basis in order, to provide effective assistance to enable you to develop your business.
We are specialists in of the cosmetic, detergent, biocidal products and aerosol business.
I cordially invite you to join us.
Anna Oborska PhD.
General Director, Vice President
Polish Association of Cosmetic and Detergent Industry